Thing 1: "Are you okay?"
(Thing 2's mind): well, I have fucking bandaids on my arms, bags under my eyes, I've been talking to myself because no one gives a fuck about me, my phone is full of useless text messages from fucked people, I've lost my sanity, I've started mixing my meds with vodka, I smoke stolen cigarettes, I thirst for someone who is leaving in 2 days, my psych suggests I tell no one about my dreams because they are 'quite dark', I cry everyday for selfish reasons, he still haunts my fantasies, I fast for 4 days each week, school is scary when I have to dodge the sad fucks in my year, I spend endless days in my bed begging for eternal sleep because there's nothing and no one to live for, I lie to my mother about who I am, I have no best friend, And you're pretending like you care.
Thing 2: "yeah sweetheart."
And the world keeps spinning.